We invite proposals for demonstrations which will be shown at the ICDM 2018 Demo Session. The demonstrations should be of data mining, machine learning, natural language processing, visual analytic, or big data software/systems that either demonstrate state-of-the-art techniques, provide state-of-the-art intelligent user interfaces, or are applied to innovative domains, which includes, but is not limited to, social network collaborative filtering, user behavior cognition, and cyber-security. The systems need not be commercial applications as long as it is of interest to the ICDM researchers and practitioners.
In Short, the demo should:
- Showcase data mining systems and/or libraries that are within the data mining and knowledge discovery field, and their close cousins.
- Exhibit new advances in applied data mining.
The demo proposal needs to describe:
- the motivation for the demonstrated concepts;
- the design;
- the development and functionality of the work in an interactive setting;
- the significance of the contribution both from a research and from a practical perspective.
Authors of accepted papers will be expected to provide a short demonstration of their system, lasting no more than 15 minutes, at the Demo Session.
Submission Guidelines
Important Dates
- Paper Deadline: To be announced
- Author notification: To be announced
- Camera-Ready Submission: To be announced